Our commitments

Les Frères Bernard


Throughout our 30 years of experience, we have developed modern and efficient production processes alongside traditional artisan methods. Our machines are designed to reduce repetitive gestures and avoid waste. Some of our cheeses are still moulded traditionally with a ladle and spoon. Every one of our authentic cheese recipes has stood the test of time since 1990. Even when we modernised our premises in 2018, authenticity was our priority.

Les Frères Bernard

Our milk producers

We have committed to using 100% local Côte d’Opale milk since we created the dairy in the Hauts de France region. We work exclusively with milk producers within a 20km radius of the dairy and commit to paying them a fair price. Short supply chains are the future for the agri-food sector. They ensure traceability and reduce energy consumption and additional costs.

We also demand high quality milk that meets stringent specifications. In line with these standards, the farms where our milk is produced are a healthy environment for the herds where their welfare is respected.

The Lecerf family

Ferme de Beaucamp 62720 Wierre-Effroy

85 dairy cows and 132 hectares including 42 hectares of pastures 90% of the feed is produced on the farm. The rest is sourced from a regional certified GMO-free cooperative.

Edouard Delmotte

LA BERGERIE D'ALENTHUN 62340 Pihen-les-Guines

120 Lacaune ewes and 1.5 hectares of pastures The feed is a combination of fodder and cereals sourced in the region. Established in 2016, the Bergerie d’Alenthun specialises in breeding premium beer-fed Boulonnais sheep.

La Famille caroux

Ferme de fouquehove 62126
pernes les boulognes

75 dairy cows and 71 hectares including 43 hectares of pastures 95% of the feed is produced on the farm. The rest is sourced from a regional certified GMO-free cooperative.

Mr Caroux uses alternative medicine such as homeopathy and aromatherapy to treat his herds.

Higher prices for local producers

2,500,000 litres of milk are converted into cheese each year.

Short supply chains at their best

Les Frères Bernard


One of our key priorities is limiting food waste throughout the whole process, from production to sales. To reduce waste, we had a machine specially designed to mould our cheeses. This reduces painful repetitive gestures for our employees and is a much faster way to mould with consistent curd from the beginning to the end of the process. No raw material is wasted during moulding. We also sell “reject” cheeses in our shop. They are cheeses that are rejected from production because they have not reached a specific weight or aren’t very presentable. In French, we call them “ugly cheeses”. But they are just as delicious and sold with a 50% discount! We also sell cheeses with a past or approaching Best Before Date on the Too Good To Go application. Since we’ve been selling on the app, we never throw away cheese that was ready for sale.