Even if we don’t always need to know the origin of a dish to appreciate it, let’s talk about the history of raclette (at least for general culture). This Swiss dish was born in the 12th century in the canton of Valais, among the shepherds who called it «roast cheese» by melting the cheese near a source of heat, before scraping it on the contents of their plate.
The dish became national only in the 19th century and the name raclette replaced roast cheese in 1874. Only 100 years later, in the 1970s, did the «raclette de Savoie» appear, following the launch of the raclette machine by a famous household appliance brand. No, raclette de Savoie is not a traditional French dish but a marketing creation! For once, we are not going to complain about advertising, it will have brought us something good and will have exported a Swiss dish to make it known in France.
As you can see, raclette is not so traditional a dish… It only asks to be diverted with cheeses that you like and that you find near you (in our case, the cheeses of Pas-de-Calais) as long as it remains a gourmet and friendly dish!